In just the last few decades, revolutionary technologies have knocked down the walls to much of the organizing structures we’ve taken for granted for hundreds of years . Millions of businesses and hundred of industries have become obsolete. The rapid rise of the Digital Age continues to make a mockery out of our understanding of change and the forces shaping our future.
Are these the early signs of humanity’s emergence into the Turquoise value system, or would all this lead to the disintegration and decline of civilization
To hear the answer to these questions and many others, please join us at The Spiral Dynamics Summit on the Future. Our special guest speaker on this subject is Michiel Doorn whose spiral wizardry on this matter is unparalleled. According to our special guest, the 21st century may not be the Age of Technology, or the Digital Age, instead it may well be the Age of Ecology.
My initial attraction to the Graves-Beck framework was its approach to sustainable solutions through its ability to address the “systems” problem as an integral part of any solution. As someone who worked with business systems and studied macroeconomics, solving problems with dysfunctional systems and institutions was far more important to me than the exclusive focus on personal growth, which tends to be the domain of many change agents.
Over the years I have also learned the importance of an essential catalyst in the design of these solutions. A concept originally created by Dr. Ichak Adizes called CAPI, the Coalescence of Authority Power and Influence. Don Beck’s genius brought these two concepts together to create one of the most effective, but underrated tools for Large-Scale systems change called MeshWORKS. The concept was used to help South Africa transition from Apartheid and in our 5-year effort to try to bring peace to the Middle East.
When asked why these concepts weren’t being taught to world leaders, Dr. Beck often responded with “Often times these are systems within us that appear naturally in the minds of Second Tier thinkers.”
October 2015 with Lawrence Bloom in Dallas discussing the challenges we face in redefining global econometrics from the values of the Second Tier
On April 20 in Dallas Texas, participants in the Spiral Dynamics Summit on the Future will hear from our special guest Lawrence Bloom who represents the embodiment of these natural Second Tier systems; the delicate balance between the Adaptive Intelligence within each and everyone of us, and a deep understanding of how to change systems. Mr. Bloom will share with us his life long work and what it takes to provide effective global leadership at a time when the world seems to be very divided. Below is the announcement on the event website about Mr. Bloom’s Special Guest appearance.
I hope you can join us and learn from all of our exceptional speakers about what it takes to be an effective leader in these times of uncertainty. Become the embodiment of CAPI and systems change. Please click here to visit the event website for a full list of summit topics and for more information.
Dr. Beck and I are thrilled to announce that Lawrence Bloom will deliver the keynote speech at the start of our conference.
One of the most effective measures of Second Tier Leadership in the world today is a person’s ability to possess what we call CAPI, the Confluence of Authority, Power and Influence. All 3 elements must be present to affect global change in a significant way. Among friends of the Spiral Dynamics community, no one advocates for this systemic approach more vigorously than our special guest and Keynote Speaker Lawrence Bloom. In his opening remarks at the Spiral Dynamics Summit on the Future, Lawrence will set the tone for us all to experience what it means to be the embodiment of Second Tier change in action.
Lawrence Bloom serves as the Secretary General of Be Earth Foundation, a United Nations Intergovernmental Organization in collaborative status with the UN’s Economic and Social Council. This foundation helps educate nation states around renewable energy and generally to enable them to achieve their Sustainable Development Goal agendas. He is also the Chairman of the DAKIA Institute which is dedicated to empowering local leaders and the community to lead positive change for themselves and their world long after they are gone. The Institute employs one of the most effective and often overlooked “systems approach” to sustainability. This approach is explained on the institute’s website: “because we are a different kind of organization, we use a different kind of name, “Systainability” with a ‘y’ – for Systems Solutions for Sustainability.“
Lawrence is also the Chairman of Be Energy, a bio-energy company committed to serving planet, people and profit. Lawrence was appointed the first Chairman of the World Economic Forum at Davos, Global Agenda Council on Urban Management. He is the former Chairman of the UN Environmental Program, Green Economy Initiative, Green Cities, Buildings and Transport Council.
Recent scientific surveys conducted by Dr. Bjarni Jonsson reveal that almost 97% of people around the world believe that Democracy is a good way to govern. The same survey also revealed that almost 80% of people worldwide seem to have a deep mistrust in the system and its philosophy. This figure is likely at an all-time high and is not expected to moderate anytime soon.
What accounts for this discrepancy and does scientific research support the findings that Democracy is a failed experiment that needs to be replaced by a different system for governance. Would an alternative system need to be more authoritarian and restrictive, or would a deeper level of engagement and trust in Democracy help improve the virtues of governance. What if more of the world population and its leaders gain a better understanding of what needs to be done to guard the precious virtues of “government by the people?” What would be the mechanisms that need to be put in place to guarantee that all voices be heard?
Dr. Jonsson argues that Democracy as a fully functioning system for governance has not emerged yet, and what we call democracies is a big misunderstanding. He will be arguing his case for the different types of governance and what it will take for us to gain a better understanding of governing systems designed from the Emerging values of Humanity, what we in Spiral Dynamics call the values of the Second Tier.
Dr. Jonsson will present his views on these issues at the highly anticipated Spiral Dynamics Summit on the Future scheduled to take place in Dallas in April. Please click here for more details, and for a preview of the event. You can find out more about Dr. Jonsson and his work with the Icelandic National Assembly and the crucial role it played in reuniting Iceland after the devastating effects of the financial crisis of 2008. You can also look up Dr. Jonsson’s talks about “Crowd Visioning” on TEDx Stage.
“The primary focus of the Summit is to bring together the brightest global minds to help us better understand chaos and change in these times of uncertainty.”