Memenomics is a theoretical framework that examines the long-term effects of economic policy on culture as seen through the whole-systems prism of value-systems (vMEMEs). It starts where evolutionary economics end and uses methodologies from developmental psychology that address the bio-psycho-social aspects of human and cultural development. This is where economics meet individual, group, organizational and cultural Memetics. The field of value-systems was initially pioneered by Dr. Clare W. Graves and further developed by his colleague and successor Dr. Don E. Beck. The Memenomics framework is the application of the Graves/Beck research into a whole-systems approach to viewing and solving economic challenges at the policy and organizational levels. Its concepts and principles have been applied in the field for decades and are being taught at several graduate transformational leadership programs. The framework borrows from all economic and management principles to facilitate the emergence of whole-systems. Management and economic theories only represent some of the many lines of intelligence that determine our whole-system approach. By its very value-systems nature, the MEMEnomics framework prescribes to no particular ideology, but is interested in the functional flow of systems based on the Memetic profiles of the individual, group, organization or culture and their varying leadership structures.
We believe this is a futuristic, evolutionary and structural approach to achieve sustainable outcomes. Our principles are based on natural evolutionary theories. We employ cutting edge concepts and tools that are at the confluence of ideas on emergence, complex systems and sustainable business practices. This is where complexity theory and biomimicry meet economic and corporate policy. It is by macro-memetic and meso-memetic design that the effects of economic stagnation are minimized and organization and cultures are placed on a long-term trajectory towards whole-systems prosperity.
I’m happy to announce that in 2023 a Chinese publisher picked up the rights to the book for publication (simple Chinese), and distribution in the mainland.
Based on the recommendation of the late economist Bernard Lietaer, one of the architects behind the design of the Euro, the organizers of the Bretton Woods Conference studied the books MEMEnomics and Spiral Dynamics  to help design a whole-systems approach to the future of finance and economics. Don Beck and Said Dawlabani were keynote speakers at the conference.
Summer 2015
The Taiwan Ministry of Culture picked MEMEnomics as one of only 9 English language books for recommended readings for 2015.
MEMEnomics Korean Release
I am happy to announce that on December 5, 2014 MEMEnomics was released in Korea. Staying true to (life conditions) form, the subtitle was translated to 21st Century Economic System.
MEMEnomics; The Next-Generation Economic System
By Said Elias Dawlabani, Foreword by Don Edward Beck, PhD.
- Hardcover: 320 pages
- Publisher: SelectBooks, Inc.; New York, 1 ed. (September 17, 2013)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1590799968
- ISBN-13: 978-1590799963
Friends and colleagues, after more than 10 years of working with Dr. Don Beck, hundreds of presentations and training seminars, 5 years of research and three years of writing, I am happy to announce that my new book MEMEnomics; The Next-Generation Economic System was launched on September 30, 2013. The book keeps winning critical acclaim. It was recently compared to writings by Warren Buffet and Peter Lynch by one book reviewer. It was also a 2014 finalist in the prestigious Eric Hoffer Award that recognizes excellence in publishing and writers with significant merit.
I am grateful to all my colleagues and thought leaders for supporting the framework for the sustainability philosophies outlined in the book. I am humbled by the compliments it continues to receive from both the integral consciousness community and the business community. I’m especially thankful for Don Beck of the Global Center for Human Emergence for writing the brilliant foreword, to Deepak Chopra, the sage and the scientist for his beautiful words of endorsement, to Howard Putman, former CEO of Southwest Airlines for his Big Picture view of the book, to Jean Houston, one of the founders of the Human Potential Movement for her relentless support and for Dr. Bruce Lipton for acknowledging its evolutionary nature.
My gratitude also goes out to Economist Hazel Henderson, Founder of Ethical Markets for her endorsement, to Cindy Wigglesworth, author of SQ21 and to John Steiner and Margot King of the Tranpartisan Center in Boulder, CO for their support of our work over the years. The enthusiasm the book is receiving echoes the need for better business values around the world. Its success is a celebration of the emerging values of business consciousness that give us all hope for the future.
Below is a publishers preview from amazon.com
Book Description
Publication Date: September 17, 2013
Books about subjects like economics are rarely written from the perspective of human or cultural evolution. Seldom, if ever, does a reader come across a narrative with pioneering methods that reframe a specialized discipline through a wide-cultural whole systems approach. This is precisely what Said E. Dawlabani does in this revolutionary book, Memenomics: The Next-Generation Economic System. This is a book that reframes the issues of competing economic and political ideologies and places them into an evolutionary new paradigm. This is a book about change done right.
It is no secret that today we are dealing with a great political divide that threatens many of our democratic institutions. Right and left ideologies have becomes polarized camps that seem to be worlds apart. If we were to do a content analysis of all the speeches, books, and articles from the last few years, we would see several clear and distinct patterns which seem to point us in several different directions. There is a formidable challenge that awaits thinkers who are shaping the future of humanity. One of monumental proportions that will call on our collective ability to create political and economic systems that can best handle the complex conditions confronting life on our planet. When the Scottish moral philosopher Adam Smith penned his views on the evolution of human morality and trade over two centuries ago, he captured the hearts and minds of people the world over. But today, after guiding the free enterprise system to unimaginable heights, his teachings are being questioned at their core. Current global economic and governing systems can no longer run on fixed or rigid ideologies regardless of how virtuous or inspiring they were in the past. In order for new leadership to emerge to answer our challenges, new paradigms must be created.
One new paradigm for human and cultural emergence is beautifully detailed in this book. Memenomics makes the case for how artificially imposed systems in economics become closed and toxic. By using processes that were pioneered through five decade of research and global applications Said repeatedly makes the case for why the future of economics must consider a values-systems approach if the field should emerge into a whole-systems form of leadership in the future. Through technologies such as Natural Design and life cycles of values systems, Said pioneers a fresh reframing of economic history that uncovers the blockages of trickle-down approaches of the past. He then offers remedies that set a new standard for sustainable practices, ones that are based on functional platforms designed to address the needs of people and cultures at their particular level of economic emergence. This book is a brilliant primer on the application of the values-systems theory to economics. It is a field guide for anyone looking to establish a cultural values-systems understanding not only to economics but also to the applications of the theory of Spiral Dynamics and the seminal work of Clare W. Graves. It represents the evolution of the Gravesian model into a field that rarely considers the different needs and motivations of the different stages of human and societal development.
To buy the book on amazon, please click on this link
You can also read the Foreword, Introduction and Chapter One for free on Amazon Kindle Preview hereÂ
I’m quite pleased with the success of the book. Since its launch, it has been consistently in the top 100 books on Economic Theory for the Kindle version. Although the Library Journal doesn’t consider it a part of mainstream economics, it was never intended to be as such. Change, rarely, if ever comes from within the system; a view that this theoretical framework made clear over four decades ago.
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