
Upcoming Events



With the passing of Dr. Beck in May 2022, all Spiral Dynamics certification classes in the US are (for now) suspended. For European-based training please contact Value Match


Spiral Dynamics Level One Training & Certification

Dallas, Texas April 17-19

This training will be apart of 6 days of Spiral Dynamics activities in Dallas Texas. Training will be follower by (graduate Level course) conference  on the future lead by many Spiral Dynamics experts. for more information and registration for this or both events please visit the event website here

Course Content and Objectives

We will track the history and emergence of Spiral Dynamics including the theoretical underpinnings of Clare W. Graves research methodology and the early applications of his seminal work. The Level 1 seminar will provide an experiential exploration of the eight value systems identified by the Spiral Dynamics bio-psycho-social model.  This is the first major paradigm of the 21st Century to offer insight in such areas as geopolitics, economics, religion, the arts, coaching and counseling, organizational design, education, health care, and other clearly identifiable manifestations of the social value systems existing in the world today.

In Level 1

We will see how these living systems emerge and evolve, their healthy and unhealthy expressions demonstrated experientially by music, cartoons, and films. Participants will gain insight into the nature of conflict, change, and healing. By the end of this seminar, participants will understand why conflicts and social ills still exist in hot spots around the world after years of effort to resolve them; and how to communicate with and align people, processes and purpose in order to facilitate healthy change and social evolution through natural design.

Each participant will receive manuals full of articles, charts of key Spiral Dynamics constructs and other information. Each will complete a full battery of research instruments, which may also be useful in their own profession.

Spiral Dynamics answers questions like:

* IF it is time for change, then FROM what TO what?
* WHY and HOW do values arise and spread?
* WHAT is the nature of change?
* HOW should who lead whom to do what for which people living where, and when?
* WHY do people respond to different ways of communicating?

When using Spiral Dynamics, you:

* Communicate with people in ways they understand best on their terms.
* Motivate people in ways that matter to them, at this time, in this place.
* Construct organizations that align the work to be done, the people who will be doing it, the management style that fits those people, and the technologies that apply naturally
* Design natural systems within a coherent framework.

Spiral Dynamics can be applied to:

* Understand why medicine cannot prevent the spread of HIV
* Understand why global crises, such as terrorism, exist and resist diplomacy,
* Integrate and align the efforts of stake-holders in complex global hot spots
* Integrate and align the efforts of stake-holders within organizations, and
* With regard to economic and social development issues.

Who should attend 

All participants will gain insight into creating natural design structures for organizations, development initiatives, and to facilitate change in individuals, organizations and societal contexts.

Organizational consultants, life coaches, and agents of change in the profit or non-profit sectors will find the insights and strategies delivered in this course of significant value and benefit in their profession. Individuals wishing to integrate their own strategies into a coherent framework for management purposes will find Spiral Dynamics to be scaffolding within which other management strategies can function very effectively.

University lecturers working or teaching in cross cultural contexts, planning to consult, or wishing to enrich their ability to communicate with a variety of stake-holders will gain significant insights into the closely held value systems that require specific communication strategies.

Managers at all levels of an organization, particularly Human Resource managers, will gain knowledge of how to align people within the organization with each other, as well as with departmental objectives and the overarching organizational vision and mission. They will better understand how to create a culture that reflects the organizations internal and external stakeholders.

The course will include both lecture and group work, demonstrate applications with real world examples, and provide experiential multimedia presentations – music, film, cartoons and power point slides – to facilitate the learning process. For further information and registration, please visit the event  page here

This conference will be taking place at the newly renovated conference center at The Embassy Suites Hotel in Grapevine, Texas. It is a familiar place to many of us who have been to any of the annual Spiral Dynamics Confabs in the last 15 years. The event is a one-of-kind Summit on the future that is packed with 3 full days of events highlighting 3 major milestones in the continued evolution of Spiral Dynamics and the Gravesian Model.

1. Three days of powerful presentations made by some of the most prominent practitioners of SD from around the globe in different area of specialty.

2. The official US launch of the long awaited book Spiral Dynamics in Action: Humanity’s Master Code. Participants will be able to purchase singed copies of the book and other books written by other speakers at the event.

3. We will honor Don’s  legacy, and his contributions to humanity at a dinner event on Saturday night. It will be held at the banquet room at the hotel. For a full list of speakers and additional details please click here

Spiral Dynamics In Action Weekend

January 20 &21, 2018 Austin TX

This event will take place at the Unity Church in Austin. Details to be announced soon


April 20, 21, and 22, 2018 Dallas TX

This conference is the first of its kind in Spiral Dynamics history and will accommodate 3 different events at Once:

  • A 3-day conference  with over 15 speakers lending their lifelong insights on how Spiral Dynamics influenced their lives and how they see the future of humanity through the Spiral Dynamics lens.
  • The official US launch of Don’s long awaited book Spiral Dynamics In Action; Humanity’s Master Code. Attendees will hear from book contributors and be able to purchase a signed copy of the book.
  • Honoring Don’s legacy. Although this theme will be running throughout the conference, we will honor Don at a dinner banquet at the hotel on Saturday night. Small speeches and honorary toasts are encouraged. The event website and registration will be available mid January 2018.


Spiral Dynamics Certificate Course with Dr. Don Beck in Europe!

April 30th thru May 2 in Budapest, Hungary

Presented by Dr. Don Beck, Said Dawlabani, Elza Maalouf, Teddy Hebo Larsen, and Bence Ganti

Just a few days before the IEC you have a rare opportunity now to learn Spiral Dynamics from its creator, Dr. Don Beck! His highly experienced colleagues have been successfully working with this model for decades in the corporate and business world as CEO, president, executive coach, organizational development expert, political advisor, and educator.

For detailed information on the SD course


Integral European Conference

May 4-8, Siófok on Lake Balaton, Hungary

Keynotes from our own Don Beck, Said Dawlabani and Elza Maalouf!  Plus Ken Wilber, Thomas Hübl, Jos de Blok, and Annette Kaiser

The Integral European Conference is the prime gathering in Europe for the global integral community to connect, share and develop a global integral vision together. At this 2nd Integral European Conference we will reflect: What does it take to reinvent Europe from an embodied integral perspective, synchronizing different value-systems?

We welcome 600 integral practitioners from all over Europe and the world at the shore of beautiful lake Balaton in Hungary to share the latest insights from all areas of integral theory and practice, such as politics, business, education, medicine, psychology and more.

To learn more about the IEC conference  www.integraleuropeanconference.com

Fall 2015

SDi Levels I and II Certification and Training. Santa Barbara, CA October 19-24

Level One Training & Certification

This is a foundational course. We track the history and emergence of Spiral Dynamics including the theoretical underpinnings of Clare W. Graves’ research and early applications of his seminal work. Level 1 will provide an experiential exploration of the eight value systems identified by the Spiral Dynamics bio-psycho-social model.  This is a major paradigm of the 21st Century to offer insight in such areas as geopolitics, economics, religion, the arts, coaching and counseling, organizational design, education, health care, and other clearly identifiable manifestations of the social value systems existing in the world today. We see how these living systems emerge and evolve, their healthy and unhealthy expressions demonstrated experientially by music, cartoons, and films. Participants will gain insight into the nature of conflict, change, and healing. By the end of this seminar, you will understand why conflicts and social ills still exist in hot spots around the world after years of effort to resolve them. Know how to communicate with and align people, processes and purpose in order to facilitate healthy change and social evolution through natural design. A Day-by-Day Agenda is provided in the course Manual. Each participant will receive a manual full of articles, charts of key Spiral Dynamics constructs and other information. Each will complete a full battery of research instruments, which may also be useful in their own profession

Level Two Training & Certification

Natural Design: Second Tier Leadership, Organizational Elegance and Integral Management.

This is the graduate level course where many of the 2nd Tier Leadership concepts are introduced and practitioners of the Spiral Dynamics framework are invited to share their real life experiences. Participants are exposed the Principle of Natural Design, The Assimilation-Contrast Effect model, the MeshWORKS Solutions model and many other Large Scale applications. Elza Maalouf will speak about her newly released book Emerge!, her decade-long experience with Dr. Beck in the Middle East and her own work as a transformational consultant for Mideast corporations. Cultural economist, and SDi practitioner Said E. Dawlabani explains his MEMEnomics Framework and how to design an Economic System from the Seventh Level system with an update on the latest Integral economic practices from around the world. You will also hear from Darrell Gooden who integrates Spiral Dynamics and Adizes methodology in the development of a model for managing change in very large organizations in his career in the military and his most recent work with Dr. Beck’s Shift New Orleans Initiative with a real life example of a MeshWORKS Solutions. For more information please visit Dr. Beck’s homepage www.spiraldynamics.net, the MEMEnomics website www.memenomics.org To register please go directly to the Adizes Graduate School http://www.adizesgraduateschool.org/sdi_seminars.html for specific course descriptions, special accommodation rates, and any general questions.

Summer 2015

Spiral Dynamics in Brazil, training and Certification. August 5-9

Please email Dr. Beck at: drbeck@attglobal.net for additional information

Spiral Dynamics, Integral @ the Fourth Annual Integral Theory Conference


Please join Dr. Don Beck, Elza S. Maalouf, Said E. Dawlabani, Ben Levi, Dr. Rica Viljoen, Darrell Gooden, and many other SDi practitioners at this lively 4-day event. In addition to all the Integral Theory presentations organized by our colleagues at the MetaIntegral Foundation, our community will be actively participating in events throughout the conference:

Thursday July 16, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM — Workshop on Race Relations & National Politics

 Join Dr. Don Beck, Darrell Gooden, Dr. Rica Viljoen, Ben Levi, and Said E. Dawlabani for this workshop that will shed new light on how to frame the race issue, political, and cultural dynamics that are tearing this country apart. Discover the developmental dynamics that make race and party affiliation categories which can be transcended and included. ($80. Includes all materials and handouts. Separate registration required.)

 Friday July 17, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM — An Integral Consideration on Radical Islam

 Join Said E. Dawlabani, Steve McIntosh, Miriam Gabriel, and Marie Pace for a panel discussion on the causes of Islamic radicalization, and how the views of Integral Theory and Spiral Dynamics Integral can be used to address the problem more effectively.

Saturday July 18, 3:45 PM – 5:00 PMThe Next Step for Integral Emergence in the 21st Century

 Join Dr. Don Beck in his Founders presentation as he outlines the challenges for the next frontier in integral thinking, where he will discuss the Power and Processes in Natural Design. As our integral community goes through lifecycles, adapting itself through periods of chaos, uncertainty, and flux, we have to adjust and recognize that what’s next for us is Integral Flow. Learn how to prepare for the complexity that includes pre-modern, modern, and post-modern, all alive and expressing at the same time.

Sunday July 19, 9:00 AM-10:00 AM—Integral Design in the Midst of Chaos, Bloodshed, & Revolution            

 Join Elza S. Maalouf for her presentation on how to navigate the treacherous landscape of Middle Eastern politics and corporate practice. She will discuss crucial design elements of large-scale systems in Israel/Palestine, informed by hands-on experiences with feudal and tribal leaders, who hold the key to the future development of the region. Learn how Elza uses her Holonic Systems Model to navigate regional politics and impact organizational practices.

TBD, Book Signing Events

MEMEnomics and Emerge! will be available for purchase at the ITC Bookstore. Join Said and Elza to receive your signed copy at their book signing events. Time and place to be  determined.

For a full schedule of events and to Register, please visit The Fourth Annual Integral Theory Conference website

Coming up in the Spring 2015

SDi Levels I and II Certification and Training. Santa Barbara, CA April 20-25

Level One Training & Certification

This is a foundational course. We will track the history and emergence of Spiral Dynamics including the theoretical underpinnings of Clare W. Graves’ research methodology and the early applications of his seminal work. The Level 1 seminar will provide an experiential exploration of the eight value systems identified by the Spiral Dynamics bio-psycho-social model.

Level Two Training & Certification

Natural Design: Second Tier Leadership, Organizational Elegance and Integral Management.

This is the graduate level course where many of the 2nd Tier Leadership concepts are introduced and practitioners of the Spiral Dynamics framework are invited to share their real life experiences. Participants are exposed the Principle of Natural Design, The Assimilation-Contrast Effect model, the MeshWORKS Solutions model and many other Large Scale applications.

For m ore details, please click on  this brochure or visit The Adizes Graduate School registration page on this link.


  • October 1-10: MOSCOW- Spiral Dynamics Training and Certification Levels I and II with Dr. Beck and Elza Maalouf. In Russia, please contact Anna Nikulina for more details on this link.
  • October 6-7: BERLIN, Germany- Said Dawlabani to deliver Keynote speech- 2014 International Conference on the Future of Sustainability Reporting 3.0. For a preview of the program and to register, please click on this link .
  • October 29, 2014 Join Elza Maalouf In Washington DC for the official launch of her book Emerge! The Rise of Functional Democracy and the Future of the Middle East. Click here for more information. Space is limited.
  • November 17-22: SANTA BARBARA, CA – Spiral Dynamics Training and Certification Levels I and II at Adizes Graduate School. With Dr. Beck, Elza, Said, Ben Levi, and Darell Gooden.
  • December: NEW YORK CITY- Spiral Dynamics Training and Certification Levels I and II. Dr. Beck, Elza Maalouf and Rafi Nasser. More details to come.

SDi Levels I and II Certification and Training.

The Quest for The Master Code

November 17-22, 2014 Live for six days in Santa Barbara, CA .

With Don E. Beck, PhD, Elza Maalouf, Said E. Dawlabani, Ben Levi, and Darrell Gooden

composite adizes photo

Whether you are a beleaguered company CEO, a middle manager, community organizer, or simply an individual acutely aware that “business as usual” has the world in an awful mess – this seminar will equip you with radical new ideas, insights, and tools to make sense of interpersonal, institutional, and societal dynamics in these challenging times. The old ways of organizational life no longer suffice, and this training is what you need now.

Learn the life-changing foundations of Spiral Dynamics Integral, “the theory that explains everything”, including Natural Design and the Quest for the Master Code. Join us and learn…. Click here for full course description and certification details. To register please click here.

San Diego Integral’s Evening with an Author Series, Featuring: Said E. Dawlabani

Wednesday, January 29, 2014 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (PST) Encinitas, CA

Find out why best-selling author Deepak Chopra is calling Memenomics a model for evolutionary consciousness in the field of economics. In this evening lecture, author and cultural economist Said E. Dawlabani, discusses his whole-systems approach towards sustainable business practices and macroeconomic policies through the lens of Memetics. The audience will be introduced to the field of Value System Memes, its history and relationship to Integral theory. Attendees will learn how the reframing of past present and future economic philosophies through this prism can introduce evolutionary elements that naturally serve as whole-systems models for economic prosperity.

Said Elias Dawlabani is a cultural economist, author, theorist and consultant, specializing in Macromemetic systems and cultural change based on the value-systems approach. He is the author of the 2013 book MEMEnomics; The Next-Generation Economic System. Since 2003 he has worked closely with renowned global geopolitical advisor, Dr. Don E. Beck, one of the architects behind South Africa’s transition from Apartheid and co-author of Spiral Dynamics, the most authoritative theory on value systems.

For a detailed bio please visit the author’s Wikipedia page here.

To register for the event please Click Here

Note: Said will be signing books at the end of the lecture. 

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